Monday, 24 August 2015

Smart phones a blessing or curse for our teenagers.

The smart phone industry is flourishing but it has simultaneously created a major concern for the parents of teenagers. The parents concerns have magnified due to their teenagers addiction to smartphones.
Kids are almost always glued to the smart phone, so their exposure to the outside world has lessened. This also has raised a major concern in the society about the future generations and their lack of abilities to interact with effective individuals.
Parents stated that kids are always on their phones and are interacting with each other when together, but not interacting.This further proves the point about the future of these teens once they enter adolescence.
On the brighter side, parents know the information of their children's lives through the social media. Parents can stay updated with their children’s lives without interfering and outwardly asking them questions. Many teenagers don’t like to be questioned ; thus, the social media gives the parents an idea of their social lives.
This offers an insight to the parents, something that they may have not previously known without  the smart phones.
There are many parents who have not provided their kids with the smart phones. Flip phones are given to these teenagers to fulfil the basic requirement of staying in touch.
Parents who want to inculcate the value of responsibility to their children have made it clear that their children will have to prove first that they deserve a fancy gadget. They want their kids to earn it.
We all should be ready to face the consequences of having a world with minimal human interaction, if we give in to the demands of teenage for a smart phone.


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