Maggi is a favourite snack of Indians. It is a quick meal for all ages. The noodles takes only 2 minutes to make and are available in many flavours. Parents always resorted to Maggi as it is a comfort food, a go to meal. Some Indians still have Maggi, in spite of the recent health issues.
The Maggi Noodles Controversy :
Many states in India have banned Maggi due to its negative health effects specially on children. According to tests and studies, Maggi noodles contain dangerously high level of lead and monosodium glutamate (MSG). A recent press report stated that the test performed by the food safety authorities in Uttar Pradesh have revealed that the permissible limit of lead ranges between 0.01 and 2.5 ppm, but Maggi samples contained 17.2 parts per million(ppm) of lead which is many times above the permitted limit. These two ingredients are extremely harmful, especially for children, which the brand’s (Nestle) target market.
Lead is a heavy metal, which the body cannot excrete, instead it keeps accumulating. According to the food safety experts, multiple body systems, especially liver and kidney functions are effected by heavy metals.
Lead Effects:
Children are the most vulnerable to even mild levels of lead especially the age group six years and younger. Lead can harm even the central nervous system of the child a pregnant women is carrying.
Lead poisoning can lead to many growth defects, disorders, and disabilities, like:
- Learning Disabilities.
- Kidney damage
- Defected brain growth.
- Defected muscle growth.
- Defected bone growth.
- Kidney damage.
- Impairment of speech and language.
World Health Organisation states that lead is harmful for children. They also state that no level of lead exposure is considered safe.
MSG is known as monosodium glutamate. It is a food additive and a flavouring substance. It is used in Chinese food and even Maggi noodles. It does have negative impacts.
Msg can affect the quality of food, as instead of using real ingredients manufactures are using Msg to enhance flavours.
Effects of MSG:
Short term usage of Msg can cause hypertension, palpitations and headaches.
If our body contains a high level of MSG, it gives way to free glutamates. This also affects babies while in their mothers womb, as their placental barrier breaks down blocking the food supply to the baby. This placental barrier allows only good substances to enter. If there is no barrier, babies are exposed to good and bad, even allergens and germs.
Maggi lovers, we are sorry to tell u that it’s not at all a wise choice. No matter what level of Msg and lead it contains. It is extremely harmful to all ages, especially to children.
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